Saturday, January 17, 2009

For Kelsey

well the door is painted, but when i removed the tape, chunks of the latex paint came up with it (both brown and green). i touched up some of the brown that peeled off, and it looks good from a distance, but up close...well. i still have not painted the border around it with the beige (as you can see). i still have some touch-up to do but it is better for nothing. thank you for taking your time to console me yesterday kels. i appreciate that as i was feeling so all alone.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

this is a picture of our house,
and i know the feelings it just might arouse.
i know you clearly remember,
it is the middle of friggin' winter.
you might expect this in spring,
and i know the feelings it surely brings.
i know nostalgia comes creeping in,
but please remember it's just a thing.
the pride we feel was felt before,
by minds that lived and surely stored
each waking moment in their lives,
and no longer live to tell their side.
happy moments still reside,
but surely somewhere sadness hides,
inside its walls as well as out.
that's what life is all about.

sorry, i was reading shel silverstein and thought i'd try....

chloe's artwork

this is a drawing chloe made for her grandma. one day while she was playing with her crayons i suggested to kelsey that maybe we should send her mom one of chloe's drawings for christmas. kelsey told me that, in fact, what her mom had asked for was the girl's handprints. so we were going to do that also, but in the meantime i thought it would also be cool to send in one of her drawings. so i pulled out an 11x14 drawing paper. chloe gets the paper and says "ooh, nice paper." and this is what she came out with. i see a bird (replete with wings and an eyeball). anyways, this post is for you karen.

Friday, January 9, 2009

pistachio update

well, quarantine time is over. her fur is soft and silky, though she is shedding the winter coat she managed to grow those few days of being outdoors (who knew she had it in her). she is much less needy but does like me to be with her while she eats. she is not as skinny but she aint fat ass yet (she never really was fat, we just like to give our pets a complex. keep 'em humble so to say), but i started calling her fat already. i even flicked her off today, for old time's sake. now bathroom decontamination is in order. ps. i think the quarantine worked, as i have not seen/felt any fleas.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


dust. where the hell does it come from? i know its pet dander, human skin, even insect and mite particles, but seriously, where does it all come from. i've been cleaning the house (as best as i know how) and dust just appears. my uncle gave me a new computer that i set up less than a week ago and i could see the dust all over the desk and the computer. i cleaned up the windows and the all other areas around the windows where dust is likely to accumulate and still, dust is present. do i need to change the a/c filter? even now the sun is coming in through our living room window and i see all kinds of particles floating there as if they were invited guests. well, at least im glad i have nose hairs to filter some of it out (im hoping my moustache does the same)...
i know this entry is lame, but its just an observation. anyone have any ideas, hints, or solutions about what to do with all the dust???

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

"skinny" "ass" update

we normally call pistachio fatass. but today she is skinny ass. she is totally needy.
poor kitten her whole world as she knew it totally collapsed. i kinda feel her pain.
except i dont have fleas, and i actually started eating already.

happy 2009

happy new year's to all. i hope 2009 goes well for all. especially for me. 2008 was a tough one for me. it greeted me with pain with what i thought was a broken ankle. then the sewer line broke costing a couple grand we could have saved. the cowboys were eliminated from the playoffs in january. i was run over by a forklift. i spent a very painful 3 months of recovery. i ached and pained another 3-4 months of work, followed by more pain when i came home. i likened the pain to needles being stabbed from one side to another. kinda like a vodoo doll. very, very painful. a tree branch broke and cracked the truck windshield. my heart was ripped, stepped and spat on. the cowboys were emabarassed by the eagles causing them to not make the playoffs. 2008 was a motherfucker.

hope 2009 works out better.

highlights of 2008:
-chloe spontaneously bursts out: "i lub (love) daddy" (i was so proud)
-i got to at least partake of some time getting to meet leyla. i love her spirit. a perfect mix of toughness and sweetness.
-i was blessed with life and still have the ability to work.