Monday, December 22, 2008

the holmes clan hates me. i instinctively know this. they are right now counseling my wife. i was not even a part of the family tree to begin with (as if my girls were a miraculous conception[and you know what, maybe they were]). well fuck you todd. you turned your back on your family. fuck you holmes family. kelsey feels ackward around most of you. sure im mexican but you know what so are your granddaughters. it kills me to be compared to jim nice. i would never hurt my daughters or kelsey. i called her mom because i was so distraught that i did not want my daughters to see me crying. that is all. i know i fucked up but i couldnt have possibly fucked up that bad to deserve what i am going through now. im fucking hurt and crying. why the fuck me??? im not a bad person. i just see more dimensions than most people would ever care to see.

1 comment:

Miguel said...

by holmes i dont mean jaron or tyson. you know who the fuck you are. you know who im talking about.