Tuesday, January 6, 2009


dust. where the hell does it come from? i know its pet dander, human skin, even insect and mite particles, but seriously, where does it all come from. i've been cleaning the house (as best as i know how) and dust just appears. my uncle gave me a new computer that i set up less than a week ago and i could see the dust all over the desk and the computer. i cleaned up the windows and the all other areas around the windows where dust is likely to accumulate and still, dust is present. do i need to change the a/c filter? even now the sun is coming in through our living room window and i see all kinds of particles floating there as if they were invited guests. well, at least im glad i have nose hairs to filter some of it out (im hoping my moustache does the same)...
i know this entry is lame, but its just an observation. anyone have any ideas, hints, or solutions about what to do with all the dust???


Kelsey said...

You do need to change the a/c filter. Probably won't do anything about the dust, but it's past time to change it.

crazy lady said...

I know that vacuuming and cleaning make a difference. I don't do that myself as much as I should, but there you have it...